This is Neesha Khan’s Artist Statement.
Neesha Khan is a Visual Artist with a childhood of self- taught artistic skills in drawing and painting animals and figures. This skill has developed in her artistic career working as a Visual Effects Compositor Artist creating images with various techniques used in the film industry. Working with images has increased her knowledge for learning the Fine Arts techniques like the Old Masters painting methods, Baroque drawings and Alla Prima painting methods.
She is drawn to creating Still Life paintings that are simple with shapely, curvy objects in compositions where she uses oil paints to create the illusion of the objects in an expressionistic style. She likes painting in terms of expressing the actual material of the object, making a stroke of paint to depict the type of material. Neesha has experimented using different mediums and has found oils and charcoal to be her best medium to handle to express a vision and convey the purity of lights with shadows by using her fingertips to navigate and handle the charcoal particles.
Neesha expresses in her figure drawings using charcoal in the traditional Baroque style of drawing as these best interplays the lights and dark intense shadows which satisfy her soul, giving a therapeutic experience whilst drawing. This is shown by handling charcoal for smoothness and the depths of black whilst unravelling her own tension to give a finished look of matte with a velvet effect.
Current project: The Equine Collection
Neesha Khan wants to share this latest journey with the viewer by observing the serenity and calmness that horses naturally bring transposing them to canvas surface using dramatic charcoal techniques to create effects skilfully capturing the stillness of movement and energy of horses in her distinct use of hue and tones. Viewers are given a feeling of calm intertwined with the complexities of Neesha’s emotional artistic intensity, enabling the viewer to envision the beauty of these animals. Neesha likes to now paint horses as she used to paint in her teenage years simply for the love of horses, riding and painting these fascinating, affectionate, kind, inquisitive, noble and spiritually healing creatures. Bringing them to life in her home from images she has taken herself or sourced for and through observation and understanding horses.
Now, Neesha is involved once again with caring for, learning to ride and training horses in her life. She is trying to achieve this in her collection of Equine artworks for Arte Globale by exploring painting horses that do bring tranquillity from their noble and sincere character to the viewer and are therapeutic to work on in the dramatic Baroque style of charcoal drawing.
Neesha has an interest in horses and horse-like creations in the monotheist Islamic faith and has been fascinated with the stories about them, some of which have inspired and motivated the composition of the paintings. The Equine collection has artwork with a unique journey some have a description explaining. Each painting has a unique red horse logo with Neesha Khan’s signature in Urdu script and not in English, to symbolise the promotion of this poetic, romantic and beautiful Urdu language because the declining taught literature and script is not compulsory in schools anymore in India.
Neesha has taken this opportunity as a professional artist concerned about various existing issues in life, to express and promote their causes in some of her paintings because she feels passionate enough to. The Equine collection has indigenous and various horse breeds which are loved by Neesha Khan to encourage and educate about these breeds and the culture they are from.
With the help and support of Arte Globale all these significant causes Neesha Khan is concerned about can be raised on the awareness platform to educate people and bring them to their attention aswell as appreciating her Equine art.